My best friend is right. I love writing. She said she has never seen me as happy and excited about anything, as I am about writing. What do I do? I go find some writing websites, join the community and get help with my writing, because, although I love it, I am not very good. They are wonderful people! They help me...a lot!
But it seems this is an obsession best shared. So I encouraged someone to join the site and write some stories. They keep telling me about a novel that they want to write. I am encouraging. I say why not start off with some short pieces, just to get in the groove, post them on the site and get some feed back. I watch carefully...the wheels are turning. Then, like gold has been struck, EUREKA!! They have a short story idea. Why don't you write down some notes on it, ideas, feelings things like that, I suggest. Type 'em up before you forget. Evidently that is a great idea. Off they run! Next thing I hear is giggling and fingers on a laptop. *shakes head* I've created a monster. The rest of the night, they had that same glazed over look that I get when I am working out an idea. *sigh*
I grumble, but deep down I am welling with pride. Did you used to watch The X-Files? At the end of the credits, a little boy's voice says, "I MADE THIS!" I love that! Might be my favourite part of the show. Anyway that is how I feel about said friend. I just may be lonely for a while...
And you know what? That's alright by me! *beaming with pride*
On a different topic, I had a nightmare that made me wake up yelling. That hardly ever happens. People wonder why I don't watch or read horror, well, this is why. I have TERRIBLE nightmares. I actually suffer from a few reoccurring ones, but I won't go into it. I was thinking, this dream would make a good story. The dream was about a haunted house and possessed furniture. The only thing that would have made it worse is if there were creepy kids in the house. The problem is, just like I don't read romance, I write it. I don't read or watch horror but now I want to tell that story. I am just not sure how to go about it. I may ask for some help from my writing buddy
Descent (nathan carter) he does twisted really well. And yes, that is a complement.
And thank you to Descent for providing me with the pictures for this post. How talented is he? Bastard. Some people get all the luck. I hate with love... *snicker*