Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ok. So I'm gonna give it a shot. God help me.

I'm two days late, but I'm up to 2712.

Tomorrow I'm gonna go to a NaNo write-in in the next town over. 6:00-7:45. Hopefully I can get just as much done!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I know...I suck...and not in a good way. Just wanted to tell you I moved Worthy. There are also some new things in my port. Not great, but it's something considering life has been kicking me for fun.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

You Ever?

Come up with a story idea and have no idea how to write it?

Come up with a Title and no story?

Start a writing group?

Want to write but couldn't jump off that cliff?

Just pondering...