Saturday, May 19, 2007

I've Got Class

I take a lot of ribbing from people I know about my writing. I claim not to be a writer, they claim I am. I don't feel like a writer and I also don't think I write very well. I have to fight for every word. If something comes easily, it is a gift and I am very happy to receive it.

So, in hopes to become a better non writer, I have signed up for a beginning writers course. It's 6 weeks. I am very excited. If it works out for me, there are a few more I will take; a grammar refresher course and a romance writing secrets course. Although, I may not take that one...being that I don't read romance novels, but that is what I like to write, I kind of like the idea I don't follow the "format". It probably won't get me published, but, I still can't believe anyone wants to read my stuff anyway.

Wish me luck. Classes start in June.

Is it weird I am soooooooo excited by this?


Anonymous said...

Well done on signing up for the writing courses! :0) You've taken a big step and it's no wonder you're excited. Can't wait to hear how you go...

Cole Goodwin said...

Thanks Lisa! *biting nails nervously*