Sunday, May 27, 2007

I've Been Tagged


The Gentleman was kind enough to answer the questions that Bel had posed to some of us. Here are his answers.

(I also find it hilarious all you writers claim to be notthewriters. Carry on...)

First off, I don’t consider myself a writer. A teller of erotic tales would be
the more apt description of me, *Smiles* But to those of you who believe I am, I thank you very much!

1. Do you outline?

Nope… Suppose I should, but…

2. Do you write straight through a book, or do you sometimes tackle the scenes out of order?

I have yet to do a book, but as far as stories go, one scene at a time.

3. Do you prefer writing with a pen or using a computer?

I start a story with pen/pencil and paper. Once I have the general idea down, will switch to PC.

4. Do you prefer writing in first person or third?

First person, though I suffer from the ‘switching back and forth’ problem…

5. Do you listen to music while you write?


6. How do you come up with the perfect names for your characters?

I try to be creative in my names, so the “Baby Name Book” comes in handy.

7. When you're writing, do you ever imagine your book as a television show or movie?

Sometimes. It helps me if I visualize the story as a movie to make sure the scenes are believable.

9. Do you know how a book is going to end when you start it?

I usually know who the story starts and ends, it’s the middle I have problems with, *laughs*

10. Where do you write?

A futon chair and a laptop at home, mainly. Sometimes will make adds at work.

11. What do you do when you get writer's block?

Read someone else’s work, usually gets the my muse back on track.

12. What size increments do you write in (either in terms of word count, or as a percentage of the book as a whole)?

Three or four paragraphs at a time.

13. How many different drafts did you write for your last project?

One, with MANY corrections.

14. Have you ever changed a character's name midway through a draft?

Not yet, but you never know.

15. Do you let anyone read your book while you're working on it, or do you wait until you've completed a draft before letting someone else see it?

It helps if I let some one read what I have already done to point out mistakes,
typos and such.

16. What do you do to celebrate when you finish a draft?

Place it on and see what the reaction is.

17. One project at a time, or multiple projects at once?

Multiple, may be why it takes me so long to finish one story.

18. Do your books grow or shrink in revision?

My stories usually shrink in some places, grow in others.

19. Do you have any writing or critique partners?

Many of the writers on Writing do a fine job of critiquing what I write… so I guess that’s a, yes.

20. Do you prefer drafting or revising?

Revising, that way I don’t have to start all over again, *grins*. Not that I am lazy or anything…


Tagged writer?

Thanks to Bel, I got tagged as a writer. Must say I love the compliment, but I don't merit the title. I hope one day I will, but it's fair to say that I don't deserve the title yet. Anyway, here I go.

1. Do you outline?

Not really. I have a sort of calendar where events I want to happen are, for lack of a better word, scheduled.

2. Do you write straight through a book, or do you sometimes tackle the scenes out of order?

Book! That’s a laugh, although I guess Worthy is turning into one. With Worthy, I do have scenes I have written that haven’t occurred yet. But, I keep those in my “idea” journal. The computerized version is in order.

3. Do you prefer writing with a pen or using a computer?

I like both. I am more efficient on a computer, but I LOVE the feel of pen to paper. I have another story I am working on that is completely hand written. I like that it slows me down. In fact, people have asked to read that one, for me to type it up, but I don’t want to. It is sort of my escape.

4. Do you prefer writing in first person or third?

Well, I want to be God, but I evidently have Point of View issues. Give my readers whiplash. I am working on it.

5. Do you listen to music while you write?


6. How do you come up with the perfect names for your characters?

Names are the bane of my existence. I am inherently unimaginative and lacking in creativity. I used to name all my characters the same names. I also use names of people I know. So now everyone thinks I am writing about these people, which I am not. But, whatever. I am just so bad with names. I have a hard time remembering people’s names when I meet them. Bad. Bad. Bad. People were up in arms. Now I go online and find names, to appease people.

7. When you're writing, do you ever imagine your book as a television show or movie?

I see my stories as a movie in my mind, but fantasize about my stories becoming films? No.

9. Do you know how a book is going to end when you start it?

On the shorter ones, I usually do. I didn’t with Worthy but now I do. I don’t with the one in my hand written journal. I wait for inspiration to strike.

10. Where do you write?

I usually write in bed. I have now set up a desk area. I have also found, when I get stuck, if I go somewhere, coffee shop, pub, restaurant, I can get going again.

11. What do you do when you get writer's block?

I go somewhere, coffee shop, pub, restraint, I can get going again.

12. What size increments do you write in (either in terms of word count, or as a percentage of the book as a whole)?

Usually three to five pages.

13. How many different drafts did you write for your last project?

They are all drafts.

14. Have you ever changed a character's name midway through a draft?

No. I will change all the names in Worthy, though.

15. Do you let anyone read your book while you're working on it, or do you wait until you've completed a draft before letting someone else see it?

I have people who like to read scenes as I finish them. It helps me.

16. What do you do to celebrate when you finish a draft?

Put it online and wait for feedback impatiently.

17. One project at a time, or multiple projects at once?


18. Do your books grow or shrink in revision?

My stories usually shrink in some places, grow in others.

19. Do you have any writing or critique partners?

Yes. I have a friend who I will go see for her to edit. I also publish on writers' cafe and the writers guild and one other site, hoping for feedback.

20. Do you prefer drafting or revising?

I do both simultaneously. I hate it when sentences do not flow right. Before a draft is finished, I've read the damn thing a gazillion times.

OK. Now, Bel has tagged all the writers I know except one, I will tag Kat and email the survey to The Gentleman. Hopefully he will not hate me and answer the questions. If he is kind enough to answer, I will post them here. It would be nice to get the perspective of someone who is about to be published. Maybe I can convince him it is his first interview. No? Well, I will try anyway.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Secret Identities

Yesterday was a good day. Actually, it started the night before. There is a site I frequent to read people’s writing. www.Writing.Com It’s great. I have mentioned it before. If you have not gone there, shame on you! Anyway, the authors there are great. My practice has been to read stories whose titles catch my eye. If I like it, I go to the author’s port and begin to read all of their works. I have done this with a few authors, and I try to review and rate. All authors want constructive feedback. Even us non-writer writers. *coughthatmeansfromyoutoocough* There is an author who is one of my favorites. His pen name is The Gentleman. I've read every one of his stories and must have left him a million reviews. I can just imagine what he thought when he checked his email for the day. *In The Gentleman’s inner voice, “Jesus Christ! Who is this psycho bitch?”* (Thinking about it, I should ask him.) Anywho, we happened to be online at the same time the day before yesterday and exchanged emails. Turns out he is a really nice guy and clearly, incredibly patient to deal with my crazy ass. The next day I was treated to on and off instant messages with him, which made my already great day better! I guess what I am saying is, contrary to popular belief, I don’t go all fan-girl very often, but, how can I not when he is such a great all around guy and writer. So, if you please, go check out his stuff, one of his stories is about to be published. You can say you knew him when, too!

Oh yeah, and the reason my day was so good? Well you have to know my other secret identity to read about that! If you do, it will be posted there!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Another Vacation

Ok. Ethan and Naava would NOT leave me alone. So, to appease them, I wrote another scene for them. I swear, posting these is the most nerve wracking thing I do. So check it out if you want. You have to be a registered user to read it.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

I've Got Class

I take a lot of ribbing from people I know about my writing. I claim not to be a writer, they claim I am. I don't feel like a writer and I also don't think I write very well. I have to fight for every word. If something comes easily, it is a gift and I am very happy to receive it.

So, in hopes to become a better non writer, I have signed up for a beginning writers course. It's 6 weeks. I am very excited. If it works out for me, there are a few more I will take; a grammar refresher course and a romance writing secrets course. Although, I may not take that one...being that I don't read romance novels, but that is what I like to write, I kind of like the idea I don't follow the "format". It probably won't get me published, but, I still can't believe anyone wants to read my stuff anyway.

Wish me luck. Classes start in June.

Is it weird I am soooooooo excited by this?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Well, I did some work on Worthy last night. The scene doesn't have the emotion and heartbreak I want. I will have to work on it. But in the mean time, I may upload another chapter for people to read. I am not sure. We shall see. Hopefully I will have better news for you later.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Ok. So I finished is CRAPTASTIC! I probably won't post it. I thought I might just abandon it all together, but then I would feel like a quitter. I just didn't have the love for it I did the other ones. That leaves me time to work on Worthy, Vacation, and Thomas (there is no link for Thomas because it is hand written in my journal and I have not typed it up yet.) They are all feeling neglected. I guess if I get enough requests for Strangers to be posted I will, but

I may go to dinner tonight with a friend, if that is the case, I will not work tonight. If I don't I will. Nicole and Worthy are quite loud right now. I need to appease them.

Ok. That's all!

Friday, May 11, 2007


Worked on "Strangers" a little today. I am not liking it. I may not post it. I hope to work on "Worthy" tomorrow. I also hope to set up a desk area for me. We shall see.


Ok. So I brought from home, a rewritable disc. I was thinking, I would take my stories off my personal computer and bring them over to my work computer and work on them...on the sly. Then maybe I could finish "Strangers". Unethical? Yeah probably, but in my defense, they don't pay me enough to do all the work I do here anyway. At least it LOOKS like I'm working. Yeah, I know, I am going to hell.

On another topic...GO WARRIORS! I'm not really a sports fan, but I feel bad that they have come so far and it took them so long to get here. I hope they win tonight.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I didn't get to finish Strangers today. Ran out of time. Hopefully this weekend I will get to finish it and do the next scene for Worthy. That is my plan. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I may even upload more chapters. I haven't decided yet. There is a way to set the website to email you when things are updated. So if that interests you, you should check in to it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


So I had an idea for another short story. Which for me are like writing exercises. I am working on it now. I will try to finish it up tomorrow. It is called "Strangers". I'm pretty sure it's no good, but what the hell.


So my muse is M.I.A. No surprise. She doesn't do emotional turmoil well. I know some people are more prolific when they are unhappy. That is not the case for me. I write better when I am in a good mood. So, today...bupkis. I have some notes that may turn into some sort of short, but I may not get to it today. I will have to do more mundane things I suspect. Hopefully one of those will include a peaceful nights sleep.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007



You will probably have to register to read the stories...but they don't send emails so don't worry about that.

So I guess I will link my stories so you can read them at your will.

You can find them all here, including "Worthy":

The are listed under nicbeast

You can find all the other stories, excluding "Worthy" at these locations:

They are listed under Cole Goodwin

Please leave a review if you read them. I need all the feedback I can get.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Today...nothing happened except for creating this blog. Which is good. My muse seems to have taken a break. I often wonder where she goes. She and two of my characters from "Vacation" were hounding me for days. I gave them another chapter and now they seem sated. I thought I would get to work on Worthy go. I think I am just too tired and still recovering from the Coachella Flu. It's ok. She will return. She always does. Usually at 4:30 in the freaking morning. Thanks. Appreciate it. It is getting late. I guess I will start making my way towards bed.