Saturday, November 8, 2008

No Words

Well that is not entirely true. I have many words and many ideas, but since I went back to school, all I get to write about are politics and rocks and other writers. It's tough. The characters are moving like liquid in my mind and I have promised them, once finals are over I will attend to their needs. They seem ok with it. I continue to work through, in my head, what I want to have happen. Of course there are some ideas that aren't quite fitting and may not until I get them on paper. I don't think I am being untrue to them, but making it the puzzle piece fit sometimes takes a few tries.

I have a couple of ideas for other stories. I am keeping a log of them so when I get the time I can get their tale on paper too.

Nothing like being made to write to make you miss wanting to write. Soon enough I'll be back on it though and I'm looking forward to it.

See ya then!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Nothing much going on. Been busy. Have been working on Worthy a little. What I need is a few uninterrupted hours fairly early in the day to plow through the next scene. Once I get that I will post another chapter. So, if you know how to get me those hours, let me know. That's all I have for now. Peace!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Political Poetry

You've a mass of knowledge and information,
And don't know how to Wield it.

Your voice is loud and dominating,
And you don't try to Shield it.

Don't call this a discussion, when it's a battle,
And think that I don't Know it.

I may be quiet, and unassuming,
But I see clearly through your Bullshit.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What's Your Fantasy?

I am collaborating on a story with one of my writing buddies, Sciwriter1. So check it out. It's called Oriel's Destiny. Leave some feedback and let us know what you think of it.

Also, I have added some more poetry to my port. I'm no poet that's for sure so any help and feedback you can provide would be great!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I've Been Punked

So my good friend on WDC Sciwriter1 made me a birthday forum. I though he and everyone had forgotten hence the previous rant. I was sooooo hurt I was gonna take a break from the site for a while. They got me but good. Here is my birthday forum.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So, I'm on this site, Writing.Com. They like to make bit of a deal over site birthdays. Mine is April 15th. I got an email from the site, and email from a newbie and a well wish from someone I happened to tell about it. I mean it's just after midnight, so I can't really be mad. But none of my "friends" have said anything. I do stuff around the site, set up birthday forums, participate in others, do fund raisers, and get no acknowledgment. So, ya, I'm hurt. I'm mad. I am not inclined to do anything for anyone there anymore. Eye for an eye.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Soooooooo, I finally managed to update Vacation. I am now up to Chapter 4! Take a look if you'd like!

Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm Back!!

Miss me? Yeah I know the answer to that. Well, I have been busy. Some good, some bad. Part of the good part, is I have been trying my hand at poetry. I don't understand it. It baffles me. But I try. So, if you don't mind, take a look and tell me what you think and how I can improve and what the hell I am doing! Thanks for the help!

Poetry Attempts

Monday, January 28, 2008


Hello, I know it's been a while. What can I say? I suck. LOL. Anyway, I only have couple items of note.

I updated "Meeting". Click on it to go there.

Second, I am involved in a Campfire called "House of Harlot" that is kinda funny. Check it out if you'd like. That's about all I have.

Oh yeah, you know Worthy moved right? There are no updates though. Again, yes I know...I suck.